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Vasaeus, J.

Rerum Hispaniae memorabilium annales, a Joanne Vasaeo Brugensi et Francisco Tarapha Barcinonensi, non minus docte quam breviter, ad haec usque tempora deducti; quibus accessit succincta rerum a Philippo secundo Catholico rege gestarum descriptio, omniumque regum Hispaniae genealogía...


Colonia: Alectorius et haeredes J. Soters, 1577.

8º. 8 hojas y 781 páginas. Pergamino flexible original a la romana. Cortes tintados. Magnífico ejemplar.

"During his lifetime the library of Ferdinand was open to all interested scholars and it was used by a distinguished list of them. Peter Martyr, Oviedo, and Gomara, personal friends of Ferdinand, consulted his books in preparing their histories of the discoveries. Although certain of his contemporaries were hostile to Ferdinand, Oviedo described him in the Historia as a virtuous, noble, and affable gentleman, and there must have been a more general agreement on this favorable opinion. Among others, Ferdinand had as personal friends and as users of his library the controversialists over natural slavery, Juan Ginés de Sepúlveda and Bartolomé de las Casas. The librarian Jean Vasaeus (1511-1561), in writing his Hispaniae chronicon (Frankfurt, 1579), certainly availed himself of Ferdinand's library. The text of Vasaeus work, of which only the first part on history to A. D. 1020 was actually completed, is preceded by a catalog of the works he proposed to consult in writing the second part. Vasaeus indicates in this list that he planned to use as sources on Spain, Portugal, and the Iberian conquests, the works of Góis, Resende, Diogo de Teive, and the first five books of Oviedo. He also lists the first book of Castanheda, a work originally published in 1551 and in a revised version in 1554. Its inclusion indicates that Vasaeus, long after the death of Ferdinand, persisted in his interests in iberian bibliography." [Lach, Asia in the Making of Europe]


Bibliografía: Adams V 297. Palau 352991 y 327553. E. Rodríguez Peregrina, “El Chronicon Hispaniae de Ioannes Vasaeus”, Studia Graecolatina Carmen Sanmillan oblata, Granada, 1988, 379-386.


Precio: 1500€


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